12-14 April, 2025
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12-14 April, 2025
Registration is open!

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Welcome to Tobacco Trail, a long distance sleddog race in the far north of Sweden. The origin of the race goes back to when two warm hearts wanted to share one cold place; sled dog professionals and enthusiasts Birgitta Fernstrom and Taisto Thorneus saw the potential of a race in their home town of Kiruna (famed for its Iron Mine) and Saivomoutka at the Finnish border. For locals, this path is best known for its use during WWII when smugglers would transport tobacco and other contraband goods between the borders, so it’s not hard to see how the race got its name “Tobacco Trail”.

These days, the race focuses around the town of Lannavaara and offers a fun, exciting and friendly competition for all mushers. In 2025, we have simplified the classes into the following categories:


  • 150km (approx.) for 8 dogs
  • 300km (approx.) for 10 dogs

Photo: Anna Öhlund


The annual meeting for Torneälvens Slädhundsklubb is on Wednesday, october 30, at 7 p.mPlace: Norra vägen 97 in Kurravaara.If you want to participate digitally, send your e-mail tobirfernstrom@telia.com😊Welcome ... See MoreSee Less
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We are happy to announce Tobacco Trail 2025, April 12-14:th! We have one class in Middleldistance for 8 dogs andone class i Longdistance for 10 dogs (new for this year). We are very happy to once again have our Racingcenter at Aurora Mountain Lodge AML in Lannavaara.Meritering for Siberian Husky in both classes.See you in April! Best regardsTSHK / Birgitta Fernström / Raceleader Tobacco Trail📸 Anna Öhlund ... See MoreSee Less
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Photo: Anna Öhlund