Vet Information
At Registration, you will be asked to give us a completed Chip List for your dog team. Here you can download a PDF to fill out.
You will also need a Vet Book in your sled as part of the mandatory equipment. Click here to print out the Vet Book. We recommend you place this in a plastic sleeve/cover.
Everyone who is taking part in the Tobacco Trail race and/or bringing dogs to Sweden from other countries is responsible for adhering to the rules that apply.
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- All dogs coming from countries outside Sweden and Norway must be vaccinated against Rabies (at least 21 days before travel). Depending on vaccine manufacturers, basic vaccination may sometimes consist of two vaccinations at 3-4 week intervals. In that case, 21 days are counted after the second vaccination.
- In the case of other vaccinations, the dogs must be vaccinated against puppy diseases – DHPPi. The vaccination should be completed after 1 year and must not be older than 4 years. The vaccination must be done at least 14 days before the competition.
- It is recommended that participating dogs are vaccinated against Bordetella (kennel cough) using a nasal vaccine. This must be done at least 42 days before the race. *Please note, kennel cough nasal vaccine was changed from being a mandatory rule to a recommendation on 17th November 2020 after feedback from mushers and consultation with the vet.
Please check the de-worming rules for the countries you will travel from/to.
Doping / medication
Doping of dogs and drivers is prohibited. Doping rules for dogs can be found in the National Doping Regulations, which you can find at Applications for dispensation can be made to the Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket).
Dog Passports
Dog passports for each individual dog are mandatory. Passports will be checked.
Minimum age
Dogs must be a minimum of 18 months to participate in the competition.
From May 2013
When you travel with more than five dogs to Norway you need a certificate from a veterinarian approved by the Norwegian Mattilsynet. The certificate is valid for 4 month. Before you get back home the dog must be inspected by a vet who will note in the dog passport that it has been done. Vets on Tobacco Trail can do it at the race. Please tell the secretary when you check in.